The extensive knowledge, skill and commitment displayed by V&V in respect of this practice not only has earned it international recognition, but the steely determination in the defense of human rights and the crimes that violate international humanitarian law.

V&V is committed to the defense and respect for fundamental human rights under the internal regulations of each country, adopted and introduced into the different laws with ratified international treaties, where states acquire obligations and duties under international law of respecting, protecting, not limiting and implementing the human rights of all its associates.

Through its partner Luis Fernando Vargas Rodriguez, the firm has been present in the most delicate, complex and recognized cases of abuse of human rights in Venezuela, resulting from unfounded criminal proceedings brought by the State against different personalities in the country. The technical assistance, advice and consultancy provided to the baseplate of the local defense in criminal procedure and human rights and the observation of cases in which we have participated, have allowed us to document gross violations and abuses of power facing international disputes where Luis Fernando forms and is an essential part of the defense teams in different agencies and jurisdictions governing the matter.

Upon closing of the domestic jurisdictions and the existence of the violation of rules of a fundamental nature, the field of action on behalf of our clients, seeking the restoration of their violated rights, extends to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) and the United Nations (UN).

We have advised on this practice entrepreneurs, politicians, judges, lawyers and citizens who have seen their rights violated in commercial, corporate, criminal, labor and administrative matters.
